Ecosystem management

Lush green forest and mountains surrounding a lake at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania

Scientists examine 19 ecosystems under pressure, from the beautiful to the rare.

Graphic of an offshore ocean environment including aquaculture, and wind farms

As the pandemic impacts industries across the world, managing ocean resources sustainably is more important than ever to spur new marine and economic opportunities.


Natural capital accounting can help fisheries businesses assess the risks and opportunities associated with the ecosystem assets they rely on.

In his latest documentary, David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet, the famed naturalist maps how steeply the planet’s biodiversity has diminished over his lifetime. Its release coincides with a United Nations Summit on Biodiversity which has called for urgent action on biodiversity for sustainable development. 

White coral with crown-of-thorns starfish on it

New research is helping to prevent outbreaks of crown-of-thorn starfish, a major threat to the Great Barrier Reef.

offshore oil and gas platform in the ocean

Can the rigs of today become the reefs of tomorrow? CSIRO is working with industry partners to explore the future of our oil and gas infrastructure.

Colourful fish and coral at Wheeler Reef in 2012. The reef is situated in the central GBR off Townsville. Picture by Paul Muir.

Two of Australia’s most iconic ecosystems, eucalypt trees and reef corals, could end up being the ‘best of pals’ when it comes to fighting climate change.

Satellite image over the Great Barrier Reef showing reef structures

Detection of oil spills using state of the art satellite imagery will support Australian environmental agencies to manage and protect the Great Barrier Reef, and other Australian marine regions.

Three white birds taking flight from a wetland.

Management of the Lower Lakes system in South Australia has been informed by extensive science. Understanding the impacts of climate change and adaptation remain future challenges for the region and the Murray-Darling Basin as a whole.