Water resources

Spotting algal blooms from space
In a world first, a satellite-based algal bloom alert system has been developed for inland water bodies - a giant leap forward from individually testing each dam, river or lake across the countryside, and allowing for a much quicker response.

Tasmanian irrigators pioneer high-tech, localised water management
Modern technology and old-fashioned community connectedness are transforming irrigation practices in a little corner of Tasmania.

End game in sight for deadly water amoeba
A study conducted by CSIRO has provoked a rethink on how best to treat water to eradicate a deadly amoeba sometimes found in the water supply.

Speeding up water planning using the cloud
CSIRO's new Water Cloud tool is set to disrupt time and resource-intensive water resource planning processes – and The World Bank has taken notice.

A river runs through it in Nepal
Field work takes CSIRO scientists near and far. Spatial ecohydrologist Dr Tanya Doody has recently been in Nepal studying the Kamala river basin.

Can billions of litres of coal seam gas water be safely reinjected into the ground?
The interesting science behind safely reinjecting the water produced when coal seam gas (CSG) is extracted, hundreds of metres underground.

Rainwater tanks overflowing – with mosquitoes
More than 20% of domestic rainwater tanks inspected in Melbourne homes have been found to harbour egg-laying mosquitoes. What can we do to keep them out?

Hydrologist among leading women researchers
The first Women in Research Citations awards have been announced with one of CSIRO's water modelling researchers among the leading women scientists named.

Portrait of a river basin
The trials and tribulations of the Murray-Darling Basin have delivered an unlikely outcome – an international relationship Australia now shares with other major river basins across continents. Having learnt how to survive with catastrophic floods and droughts, Australia’s hard-won lessons in managing water under extreme scarcity are now being put to good use at the global forefront of water management at the basin scale.