Water resources

river bed

With many surface water storages, such as reservoirs, empty or critically low, groundwater (underground aquifers fed by rainfall and found in cracks or pores in rock) supplies are critical for many Australian communities and industries.

As the water count down continues to 'Day Zero' in regional centres in New South Wales and Queensland, how can science provide greater water security into the future?

bacteria filaments under the microscope

Our planet’s past wouldn’t be the same if not for cyanobacteria. CSIRO is collecting diverse microbes like these to secure our globe’s future.

man examning copper tube with machine and screens

The Millennium Drought in south east Australia highlighted the value of the continent’s groundwater resources. We need a better understanding of our groundwater systems and how they are recharged to ensure that, as we continue to use this valuable resource and with a changing climate, we also protect it from overuse or contamination. The Southern Hemisphere’s first Noble Gas Facility will provide valuable contributions to do just that.

close u of 3d microscopic blue bacteria

Tiny organisms – or microbes – are being explored for mine water treatment at Evolution Mining’s Mt Rawdon gold operation, where the company plans to adopt a wetland-like system to remove contaminants.

wetlands with trees in the background at the water's edge

Bioregional Assessments was a project that delivered the world’s first integrated regional‑scale assessment of the water impacts of coal resource development. An enormous human challenge which tested some of the world's most sophisticated supercomputers.

students taking notes and water samples on the steps leading into a river

Research exchange in India is expanding the investigation into what the World Health Organisation names as one of the greatest threats to human health – antimicrobial resistance.

Aerial photo of bush with people and truck with a drill rig attached, and mountains in the distance

CSIRO has delivered the most extensive, integrated assessment of northern Australia’s water resources and the potential for further irrigated agricultural development. Big idea, big landscape, big data. Here is why the work was necessary and how the results can be used.

aerial photo of a sandy river bed with some water flow and riparian bushland

An extensive assessment of water resources in the Fitzroy River catchment points to the region’s largely untapped aquifer systems as key to the potential for irrigated agricultural development.