Water resources

Picking the market for irrigation development in the NT
There’s talk of a ‘food bowl’ in northern Australia. Around Darwin in the Northern Territory it’s more likely to be a fruit bowl, according to a new study of the potential for irrigated agricultural development in the region’s river catchments.

Agriculture in the Mitchell catchment – crunching the numbers
Water alone won’t make irrigated agriculture financially viable in northern Australia’s Mitchell River catchment. Local processing facilities will be needed to get a return on investment for any large-scale investment.

Understanding Indigenous water values, rights and development objectives in Australia’s north
An important part of the Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment was engagement with the Indigenous Traditional Owners of the catchments.

Understanding ecosystem response to water management in the Murray-Darling Basin
While knowledge of water availability is key to managing Murray-Darling Basin water resources, a commensurate understanding of ecosystem ecological response to flow regulation is also required to aid environmental management.

The upside of blackwater river flows
There’s an upside to the carbon-rich, black water that sometimes flows off the floodplains and into the rivers of the Murray–Darling Basin.

Delivering flows to help native fish thrive again
Computer models will inform the delivery of Murray-Darling environmental waters to restore the flows that support thriving native fish populations.

Managing our water-spoiling pests
CSIRO scientists have developed new tools to help control two feral pests wrecking havoc above and below the waters of the Murray-Darling Basin: the willow tree and the carp.

Novel use of satellite data helping to keep tabs on our water
Understanding human impact on the water cycle is a tricky business - one clue is to be found in evapotranspiration. Novel use of satellite data is helping us measure something we can't see.

As rainfall variability increases, do our graziers have solutions?
Graziers the world over are facing increasingly variable rainfall, new research shows. The next question is: How will they manage their livestock as they face this unpredictability?