Sustainable development goals

Dr Ro Hill on the promise of Environmental Stewardship
With nature declining at an alarming rate, Dr Ro Hill spoke about the promise of environmental stewardship at her Bob Hawke Centre lecture in Adelaide.

Weeding out a killer pesticide
A new study in the journal Clinical Toxicology examines how effective enzymes can be for treating organo phosphate poisoning in humans.

Knowledge, networks, politics: An island maps a better future
A PNG–Australian initiative to bring decision-makers together and give local communities a stronger voice in determining a sustainable future for their land and natural resources is bringing early results.

One ocean: A sustainable marine environment for healthy lives
The amount of ocean-derived protein consumed in countries in the Pacific Ocean is higher than in any other part of the world. Providing the best science to inform sustainable management of that resource is vital.

Pacific faces crop yield declines, turns to past for modern solution
Climate change takes many headlines for threatening the Pacific. However, to secure the region’s shared food culture, soil scientists are working with Pacific farmers to provide precision agriculture tools that could herald a new era in regional farming.

Nature’s motherlode of data via supercomputers
Bioregional Assessments was a project that delivered the world’s first integrated regional‑scale assessment of the water impacts of coal resource development. An enormous human challenge which tested some of the world's most sophisticated supercomputers.

International environment prize for resilience research
Dr Brian Walker received the Blue Planet Award in Tokyo for his work at the forefront of the interdisciplinary area of resilience of complex adaptive systems. With drought, typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis all in our region, the award is timely.

Celebrating women in conservation science
A special issue of Pacific Conservation Biology celebrates women working in conservation science in Australia.

What we can learn from China’s fight against environmental ruin
After cascading ecological catastrophes in the 90s, China spent 20 years seriously investing in sustainability. Now that effort is paying off.