
Sharks and rays of PNG
A new field guide to the sharks and rays of Papua New Guinea is supporting sustainable use of its shark and ray resources.

Playing tag with tuna in the Bight
Hundreds of southern bluefin tuna have been tagged to reveal more about their annual migration and feeding habits in the Great Australian Bight.

Scientist’s 30-year search for Southern Ocean climate secrets
Dr Steve Rintoul is embarking on his 13th voyage to the Antarctic. On board the RV Investigator and armed with new deep water robots, he and his team will be probing the remaining unknowns of the Southern Ocean's role in our climate system.

Voyage to the bottom of the Bight
Samples from the seabed of the Great Australian Bight have yielded 277 species new to science and the answer to a 30-year mystery.

Tracking the predators of the Bight
Tracking the movements of whales, sharks and other apex predators and iconic species is revealing the deepest secrets of the Great Australian Bight.

A wave of knowledge from deep in the Bight
A mammoth social, environmental and economic study of the Great Australian Bight has revealed new insights and a raft of new species.

Oceans – the new frontier
Australia's marine estate is nearly twice our land area. A new book brings together decades of marine research to tell us what we know and what we're doing to ensure a sustainable future.

Trawling for insights about the North West shelf
Following decades of heavy trawling off the north-west shelf of Australia in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers are back to assess how the region has recovered, providing scientific advice to guide sustainable fishing practices both in Australia and internationally.

How to work out which coral reefs will bleach, and which might be spared
A paper published in Nature Climate Change has revealed the importance of regional differences in sea surface temperature variability in determining the global distribution of coral bleaching risk.