
Unravelling ENSO mysteries on ice
A new study reveals that projected changes in the tropical Pacific can influence the Southern Ocean: specifically, an increasingly stronger El Niño may accelerate the melting of Antarctica's ice shelves and ice sheets.

IPCC flags risks and response options for polar and ocean environments in latest report
A new report into polar regions, mountains, oceans and coasts shows the impacts of climate change on these sensitive areas are worse than previously thought, with implications for Australia.

Scientist’s 30-year search for Southern Ocean climate secrets
Dr Steve Rintoul is embarking on his 13th voyage to the Antarctic. On board the RV Investigator and armed with new deep water robots, he and his team will be probing the remaining unknowns of the Southern Ocean's role in our climate system.

The changing life of Antarctica’s ice-free ‘islands’
Warmer temperatures mean more ice-free areas and increasing terrestrial habitat in Antarctica, but that’s not necessarily good news for Antarctic natives.

Measuring Antarctica’s pristine atmosphere for answers on aerosols
Before the RV Investigator came along, the atmosphere of the Southern Ocean had been measured only a handful of times. With regular monitoring, this pristine and critical environment may now reveal the real role of atmospheric aerosols in global warming.

Antarctic research without breaking the ice
To obtain good scientific data about the Antarctic ice sheet and the impact of warming waters you need a ship that can stand those remote, wild and unforgiving waters.

Homeward Bound takes off
Three of our top scientists are on board the MV Ushuaia in Antarctica as part of an innovative leadership program for women in science.

Bound for leadership in science
Over the next decade, The Homeward Bound project will give 1000 female scientists the tools to become influential, global decision makers of the future. Its debut voyage will depart later this year, with four CSIRO scientists on board.