
Antarctic research without breaking the ice
To obtain good scientific data about the Antarctic ice sheet and the impact of warming waters you need a ship that can stand those remote, wild and unforgiving waters.

Chile’s salmon industry poised to take a leap forward
After years of crisis in Chile’s burgeoning salmon industry, culminating in riots earlier this year, a CSIRO-developed aquaculture modelling tool is set to transform the sector.

The kings of carbon capture
Trees are good at sequestering carbon but fire can quickly undo all the good. One place where plants can sequester carbon without fear of fire is under water.

Out of the blue – the marine economy
The marine economy is growing at break-neck speed. How we use our oceans needs clever planning and innovative thinking, all based on sound science.

As Australian shipping grows, how can we avoid collisions with marine animals?
Ships in Australian waters are getting bigger and more numerous all the time. We need a plan to help them avoid crashing into whales and other large sea creatures.

Oil spill lessons come full circle
A new handbook on monitoring oil spills offers shipping companies guidance on how to respond to an oil spill and assess any environmental damage.

Wave atlas helps map the way ahead for ocean energy
A new Australian wave atlas adds to the work being done in marine energy renewables to see how far the industry can ride the wave.

There’s a proliferation of new marine species in WA – how to name them?
He’s the new buzz word in binomial nomenclature with three species named after him. It’s a result of survey work being done in north-western Australia, and genetic testing, that’s revealing a wealth of new marine species.

Starbug steals the show
Community engagement is a key component of the Ningaloo Outlook project which aims to increase the ecological understanding of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area’s deep and shallow reefs and the reef’s shark and turtle populations.