Bringing deep-sea life into sharp focus
New camera technology that can withstand enormous water pressure in the deep oceans, and navigate the steep, rugged and rocky terrain of seamounts, is shining new light on deep-sea biodiversity.

Not the usual suspect: Understanding the cyanobacteria responsible for January fish kill
Our planet’s past wouldn’t be the same if not for cyanobacteria. CSIRO is collecting diverse microbes like these to secure our globe’s future.

New facility taps secrets of fossil groundwater
The Millennium Drought in south east Australia highlighted the value of the continent’s groundwater resources. We need a better understanding of our groundwater systems and how they are recharged to ensure that, as we continue to use this valuable resource and with a changing climate, we also protect it from overuse or contamination. The Southern Hemisphere’s first Noble Gas Facility will provide valuable contributions to do just that.

Climate influence from the other side of the world
In a paper published in Science, climate scientists say we need to look beyond our neighbouring oceans to understand changes several seasons ahead – to the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of the world.

What rainforest plant is that?
Australia’s tropical rainforest plants can be identified with just a few simple clicks.

A warning for wine lovers: climate change is messing with your favourite tipple’s timing
A plant-growth-regulating spray might be the solution for vineyards affected by heatwaves.

Recognising indigenous pollination conservation practices
Pollinators such as bees, birds, bats and butterflies are in decline globally, a threat to biodiversity and food production all over the world. The importance of pollinators isn’t new to many indigenous communities around the world.

Nature’s cleaners
Tiny organisms – or microbes – are being explored for mine water treatment at Evolution Mining’s Mt Rawdon gold operation, where the company plans to adopt a wetland-like system to remove contaminants.

Climate link between krill and whale populations
New research reveals how climate change could influence future krill abundance and whale populations in the Southern Hemisphere.