The flight of the aberrant oriole
The swampy savanna of New Guinea’s Trans-Fly is a frontier for evolutionary biologists studying the blurry lines between species.

Saving baby turtles one nest at a time
We're working with Indigenous rangers in Cape York to give baby turtles the best chance of making it from nest to ocean.

IPCC flags risks and response options for polar and ocean environments in latest report
A new report into polar regions, mountains, oceans and coasts shows the impacts of climate change on these sensitive areas are worse than previously thought, with implications for Australia.

When disasters collide: helping Australia adapt to new risks under climate change
A collision of severe weather events can destroy lives and infrastructure, destabilising economies and ecosystems. In a rapidly warming world the frequency and magnitude of these compound events will only increase, according to the latest report from the IPCC.

Weeding out a killer pesticide
A new study in the journal Clinical Toxicology examines how effective enzymes can be for treating organo phosphate poisoning in humans.

The future of earth observations for Pacific Island nations
Satellites are transforming the way we see – and map – the Earth. That's especially the case in the Pacific where islands nations can benefit from satellite services – Earth Observations (EO) – to understand and manage the environment.

Knowledge, networks, politics: An island maps a better future
A PNG–Australian initiative to bring decision-makers together and give local communities a stronger voice in determining a sustainable future for their land and natural resources is bringing early results.

One ocean: A sustainable marine environment for healthy lives
The amount of ocean-derived protein consumed in countries in the Pacific Ocean is higher than in any other part of the world. Providing the best science to inform sustainable management of that resource is vital.

Mapping the seafloor of one of the world’s largest marine parks
The Coral Sea Marine Park is one of the world’s largest marine parks and vital to surrounding Pacific Island countries. A month-long voyage by Australia's research vessel to gather and share data and insights with international colleagues has begun, in pursuit of a better understanding of the area's geodynamic and climatic history, as well as biotic evolution.