Public health

Preventing mosquito-borne diseases
Australian summers and mosquitoes go together. But a La Niña year can increase the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.

Can precision health deliver on its promises?
Research by CSIRO has identified a looming risk that the emerging precision health industry could exacerbate, rather than fix, current health inequalities.

Designing digital health with community
Digital health solutions could do great things for the wellness and wellbeing of Indigenous communities. But respect and trust between researchers and community is key.

Food trends of the future
In 20 years, will we swap beef for crickets, 3-D print food, or grow our leafy greens on vertical farms in our cities? And what will changes in our diet mean for Australia’s agrifood sector?

Can our food be environmentally sustainable and nutritious?
CSIRO research has found the seemingly impossible task of achieving sustainable nutrition is not as far-fetched as many think.

How sewage testing helps contain COVID-19
Scientists have found an early-warning tool for COVID-19 in our sewage to help detect its spread. Here's a run down on how it works.

An unexpected crisis that could change our cities
COVID-19 is a health and economic crisis that’s taken the world by surprise. Yet this wicked problem may also be an opportunity for Australia to invest in new types of urban infrastructure to make cities smarter, greener, safer, and healthier.

Pandemic prompts need for more water security in South Asia
Access to clean water has never been so important in South Asia. But for millions of residents it continues to be a daily struggle.

Deconstructing disasters: Taking stock on where we are now, and dreaming our future
Australia and the world are facing multiple, successive, widespread disruptions which can lead to catastrophic disaster. A ‘Deconstructing Disasters’ approach can help us to build more resilience in our systems.