Issue 291 – Advanced technology

A new report explores how Australians might feel about the use of gene technology to control invasive feral cats in their local area.

A historic house surrounded by flood water in Windsor NSW during the March floods in 2022.

CSIRO is a part of the national response to extreme weather: our transport planning tool is helping supplies reach flood-hit communities.

CSIRO Hydrogen Industry Mission Leader Patrick Hartley outlines some of the key moves required for Australia to realise its plans to become a major hydrogen exporter.

CSIRO research is helping to understand costs and improve the flow of agricultural transport in Indonesia and Vietnam, through the use of TraNSIT.

Mapping millions of vehicle trips across Australia’s supply chains helps growers and governments to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Ocean with cloudy sky above

Predicting the ocean requires mind-boggling technology, from salty robotic drifters and pristine supercomputers. But when it comes to the crunch, what is the first step?