Pacific faces crop yield declines, turns to past for modern solution
Climate change takes many headlines for threatening the Pacific. However, to secure the region’s shared food culture, soil scientists are working with Pacific farmers to provide precision agriculture tools that could herald a new era in regional farming.

Pacific partnerships blaze a trail for climate adaptation
Local knowledge and trusted, collaborative relationships with key stakeholders is helping researchers deliver the science that will enable Pacific nations communities to further build climate resilience.

Ozone uptake in oceans much lower than previously thought
CSIRO scientists have developed a new way to account for ozone in computer simulations of the climate. This latest modelling shows that the oceans take much less ozone out of the atmosphere than previously thought. This has implications not only for our understanding of future global warming, but also on human health, plant productivity and the economy.

Eastern China pinpointed as source of rogue ozone-depleting emissions
For several years, emissions of CFCs have been rising, in apparent defiance of a global ban in place since 2010. A new global detective effort has traced the source to two eastern Chinese provinces.

Watching the world’s atmosphere
ACCURATE, reliable and comprehensive information about what is happening in our atmosphere is a critical piece of the puzzle if we are to mitigate and adapt to our changing climate.

Phosphorus: a finite resource essential for life, critical for agriculture and food security
Strategic use of phosphorus fertilisers can ensure higher crop yields. High yields minimise the amount of land devoted to food production, maximise the use of scarce rainfall and help keep food supplies stable and relatively cheap. Getting the balance right is important in an increasingly crowded world.

Australians reach for the stars when it comes to energy efficient homes
Handy access to information is the key to encouraging Australians to go green in construction. But we still have a long way to go in making all homes as energy efficient as possible.

Turning around transport emissions growth
When economists think of the electric vehicle market and how it might turn back emissions they think in terms of fleet share. What will trigger the wholesale switch to electric vehicles in Australia - price, choice, vehicle standards?

Electric vehicles: Are we there yet?
Electric vehicles have the potential to help us cut carbon emissions and pollution, and improve grid inefficiency. While the change here has been slow so far, the advent of lower-cost models and more charging infrastructure could see more drivers plug in.