Posts by CSIRO

Returning good health to country and spirit
Indigenous and western systems of knowledge are working hand-in-hand to heal and sustain Djandak – the land – and Jaara – the people – in Victoria’s Dja Dja Wurrung Country.

Turtles on the comeback trail in Cape York
Indigenous Rangers are counting their turtle hatchlings on Cape York. Today, 74 per cent of turtle hatchlings survive compared to five years ago when sea turtle eggs were being decimated by feral pigs. Focusing on ways to protect turtle nests when they're most vulnerable will see generations of 'minh miintin' to come return to these remote beaches.

Where science and nations united over oceans
Our ‘blue planet’ is made up of one continuous ocean, not five separate oceans. The first UN Ocean Conference broke down barriers between developed and developing nations, science and government, government and the private sector, and corporate and community interests. Here's a ringside insight into what it all means.

Science narrows the net on illegal fishing
Approximately 25 per cent of Australian fish is thought to be mislabelled and up to one third of fish in US markets is illegally caught. Fishing vessels might think they're invisible in the vast ocean, but a new system can profile suspicious activity and alert authorities as they come into port.

Drowning in litter
CSIRO is taking on the world’s largest marine pollution survey, working with countries across the globe by using science to reduce the amount of litter entering our oceans.

Native Australian bees hone in on the prize
Native Australian bees have taken out the prize for Small Publishers' Adult Book of the Year at the 2017 Australian book awards - with some thanks to former CSIRO entomologist Tim Heard.

Reclaiming our rivers from feral carp
Five years ago, ECOS reported on new research investigating the potential for a biological control to manage the problem of carp in the Murray-Darling river system. The ongoing research is now part of a $15m national plan.

Managing carbon emissions in Kenya
Using the same methodology used in Australia's greenhouse gas emissions accounting system, Kenya is now keeping track of its carbon emissions and leading the way in Africa.

Maybe we can, but should we? Deciding whether to bring back extinct species
De-extinction is closer to reality than you think. 'Decision science' can help examine the feasibility of bringing species back and likely impact on existing environmental and species management programs, and help answer those nagging questions: 'Because we can, does it mean we should?', and 'what happens if we do?'