Posts by CSIRO

A mammoth social, environmental and economic study of the Great Australian Bight has revealed new insights and a raft of new species.

couple being interviewed

"It doesn’t matter how many fire hoses you have, you can’t be everywhere at once." So how do you plan ahead for all the decisions you might need to take in the midst of catastrophe? That includes when and where to take shelter.


Australia's marine estate is nearly twice our land area. A new book brings together decades of marine research to tell us what we know and what we're doing to ensure a sustainable future.

display of confectionary

The fate of the environment just got personal. It turns out, everyone's waist lines add up and what's better for your health is also better for the environment.

space telescope against night sky

In mid 1967, PhD student Jocelyn Bell at Cambridge University was helping to build a telescope. She went on to discover a little bit of "scruff" - the first evidence of a pulsar.

truck on country road

What truck drivers do in clicks, scientists have done in data – tracking the great distances travelled by Australian produce from farm gate to market. It’s all to make for better infrastructure investment and make those long journeys more efficient and reliable.

profile of person looking left with cloudy sky

Dr Helen Cleugh is still motivated by lessons learned back on the family farm in central Otago. She's now leading CSIRO's Climate Science Centre.

Simulating the Earth’s myriad physical, chemical and biological processes is a big ask. But it must be done if we are to work out how what we do today will change the future climate. Thanks to this Australian ‘earth system model’, we’re getting a clearer picture of what’s ahead.

aerial of coastline

Contrary to popular belief, the ozone hole does not reach Australia. But its effects are felt the world over. CSIRO scientists are creating a climate-chemistry model that will lead global science on the ozone hole recovery.