Posts by CSIRO

green seedlings sprouting from blackened ground

Most plant research focuses on grown plants or on seedling behaviour. It is only now that researchers are beginning to examine seed traits and how the beginning of a plant’s life affects everything which comes after.

looking through trees to a bay

Dr Andy Steven details the impressive technology CSIRO is using to lead the way in oceans and coasts observations and monitoring research.

jetty jutting out to sea with island in the background

The eReefs program monitors the Great Barrier Reef using satellite sensors high above the planet’s surface and from a unique marine observatory far below located in coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

sailing ship at full sail

While underwater drones, robots and satellites have a well-earned place in monitoring the state of our oceans and climate, we also look to ship-based measurements for first-rate data.

yellow submersible at the sea bed

The next-gen of ocean robots are helping researchers understand one of the last, and greatest, frontiers.

bright yellow and blue capsule being lowered into the ocean with an island in the distance

A vast range of ocean moorings around Australia is uncovering the mysteries of what happens under the waves, gathering data on what the future holds.

aerial view of island surrounded by blue seas

The humble but prolific house mouse on a remote Western Australian island might serve a crucial purpose for scientists investigating the potential of gene modification as an environmental control for conservation. Community values - as well as science – will determine what’s both possible and acceptable.

three people backlit by colourful power point

As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed. Decadal forecasting can provide an assessment of probabilities for the climate system over the next one to 10 years, important inside knowledge for industries affected by climate.

goose on tree top

Magpie geese flock in their thousands in the Northern Territory, along the coastal flooplains. But what impact could sea level rise have on their habitat?