
caterpillar in cotton

Global trade means global pests – not just in the way they spread but in the way they breed. Hybridisation of two moth species has now been confirmed, creating a fast-generating, pesticide-resistant mega pest which threatens broad-acre crops across the Americas. What’s next?

fish feeding

Five years ago, ECOS reported on new research investigating the potential for a biological control to manage the problem of carp in the Murray-Darling river system. The ongoing research is now part of a $15m national plan.

close up of a mossie

More than 20% of domestic rainwater tanks inspected in Melbourne homes have been found to harbour egg-laying mosquitoes. What can we do to keep them out?

Two stockmen with a herd of cattle in grassland

A total system approach to health and biosecurity risk assessment is not only good for northern Australia, but also for sustaining Australia’s healthy population and economy.

A honey bee on a purple flower

According to a new CSIRO survey, Australia can now proudly call itself home to one of the healthiest populations of European honey bees in the world.

A bat with grey head and red coloured upper body

A look at the recent and rapid progress of research into bats and the viruses they harbour and the role bats play as hosts to many major zoonotic viruses.

There’s a downside to modern travel and trade networks: pests and pathogens hitch a ride. Nowadays, as a 2014 CSIRO report shows, the question isn’t ‘if’ something nasty arrives – it’s ‘when’.

Varroa destructor

A nationwide outbreak of foot and mouth disease; an invasion of a devastating wheat disease; our honeybees completely wiped out. These are just three possible disastrous scenarios facing Australia; they’re considered in the Australia’s Biosecurity Future report recently published by CSIRO and its partners.