Carbon storage

Taking stock of Australia’s carbon sequestration potential
A recent CSIRO report commissioned by the Climate Change Authority has provided a comprehensive assessment of Australia’s carbon sequestration potential.

From fizzy drinks to fuel: how utilising CO2 can help us reduce emissions
Australia could turn carbon dioxide waste into a valuable revenue stream, according to a new report on carbon capture and utilisation.

Turning carbon from a waste into a resource
Using carbon dioxide for commercial applications that support emissions reductions and industry growth will be the focus of CSIRO’s upcoming Commoditisation of CO2 Roadmap.

Carbon capture and storage: one tool, many opportunities
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has the potential to help reduce emissions. It’s a technology that’s tested, available, heavily regulated and it works at scale - but it’s not yet readily adopted.

Geoengineering the ocean could help slow climate change
A new project led out of Germany is investigating how novel ocean negative emission technologies (NETs) might work to slow down the rate of climate change.

Why renting, rather than buying, carbon might help mitigate climate change
To mitigate climate change we might have to re-examine the rules which define carbon credit-worthy sequestration actions – that might include renting, rather than buying.

Think local on Southern Ocean’s global impact
The Southern Ocean has an enormously influential role on the Earth's climate, it reaches from the Antarctic into all the world's oceans. What research now shows is local ocean processes have global impacts.

The upside of blackwater river flows
There’s an upside to the carbon-rich, black water that sometimes flows off the floodplains and into the rivers of the Murray–Darling Basin.

Carbon central to a new wave of climate modelling
Simulating the Earth’s myriad physical, chemical and biological processes is a big ask. But it must be done if we are to work out how what we do today will change the future climate. Thanks to this Australian ‘earth system model’, we’re getting a clearer picture of what’s ahead.