
power towers at sunset

In the new world order of mixed-source energy, trusty baseload power is often misunderstood. It's not just a question of what baseload can do for renewables, but what renewables can do for baseload power.

car engine

You’ll have heard the usual arguments against electric cars – limited range, too few recharging stations around to make them worthwhile, and the problem of battery disposal. On the other hand, say proponents, electric vehicles offer the prospect of ‘zero emissions’ driving.

harvesters in canola field

Accounting for emissions savings in producing biofuels compared to fossil fuels is about to get harder. Australia's got an interest in proving the worth of canola.

solar panels

Solar-powered homes with battery storage can save money with a new system that decides when to store or draw energy from the solar panels, the battery and the grid.

crashing waves

A new Australian wave atlas adds to the work being done in marine energy renewables to see how far the industry can ride the wave.

Cows laying down in front of wind turbines

A major study by CSIRO, the Australian National Outlook, reveals Australia has all the tools to achieve economic growth and environmental sustainability - we just have to choose to use them.