
Can billions of litres of coal seam gas water be safely reinjected into the ground?
The interesting science behind safely reinjecting the water produced when coal seam gas (CSG) is extracted, hundreds of metres underground.

Wave atlas helps map the way ahead for ocean energy
A new Australian wave atlas adds to the work being done in marine energy renewables to see how far the industry can ride the wave.

Gathering independent evidence on the risks and opportunities from onshore gas extraction
Research findings suggest CSG companies need to bridge the gap and proactively understand and engage with communities.

Gas industry research expands into New South Wales
A project that aims to provide independent scientific information on different gas development scenarios goes national.

Symposium highlights Australia as a vibrant hub for synthetic biology
Biofactories, biosensors and beyond: new technologies are being inspired by nature. Synthetic biology is one of the most rapidly growing areas of modern science and there has been a groundswell of interest in Australia.

Energy Futures in a Town Like Alice
Today’s energy systems will not be sufficient in 2050, and remote Australian communities are likely to bear the brunt. Scenarios workshops held in Alice Springs are helping design energy solutions for the future.

A fine balance: saving Australia’s unique wildlife in a contested land
The Brigalow Belt in Queensland is a national hotspot for wildlife, including many species found nowhere else in the world. It is also one of the most transformed and contested areas in Australia. New research looks at the best way to conserve these species, attempting to balance competing uses of the region.

Study: Australians can be sustainable without sacrificing lifestyle or economy
A major study by CSIRO, the Australian National Outlook, reveals Australia has all the tools to achieve economic growth and environmental sustainability - we just have to choose to use them.

The energy efficiency innovations providing new ways to reduce emissions
Researchers have looked beyond the conventional measures of energy consumption to find the latest innovations for energy efficiency in our cities.