
A thriving future: Trends in agricultural innovation
CSIRO Agriculture and Food Director Dr Michael Robertson discusses the trends and research opportunities shaping the industry’s future.

Can engineering biology feed more people with fewer resources?
A changing climate, declining arable lands and an increasing demand for more environmentally friendly products is making us think outside the box when it comes to food production and traditional agricultural production. How can we produce more food with fewer resources?

Breeding out the feral cat problem
A new report explores how Australians might feel about the use of gene technology to control invasive feral cats in their local area.

What’s brewing? Precision food proteins from fermentation
Precision fermentation has emerged as one of the frontrunners for additional sources of protein that could underpin the growth of a sustainable bioeconomy in Australia. We explain current trends and future research priorities.

Are bio-derived plastics the solution to plastic pollution?
Do you know your biodegradable from your compostable plastics? We give you the rundown on plastic packaging alternatives and their eco credentials.

Precision fermentation: scaling the next manufacturing revolution
Australia could be a leading supplier of sustainably manufactured products across a range of industries by expanding its local precision fermentation capabilities.

Our researchers take a ‘deep dive’ into understanding what people think about synthetic biology and the Great Barrier Reef
A study about social responsibility in synthetic biology research and development for conserving the Great Barrier Reef

Renewable fuels set to take off
Plants with large amounts of oil in their leaves and stems are paving the way for new feedstocks to produce renewable transport fuels.

Genomic breakthrough in invasive species management
A cross-Tasman collaboration involving our Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform and Managing Invasive Species and Diseases program has produced the first full genome sequence of the ship rat.