Issue 217

Queensland Coastline as seen from space shows the Great Barrier Reef and muddy water flowing from hte Burdekin River into the ocean.

The Great Barrier Reef is at risk from factors in and out of the water. Dr Christian Roth discusses what needs to change, and how, to save our reef.

Under water on the Great Barrier Reef showing coral and fish.

Cattle, cane, cropping, coral. That’s the balance the Queensland ecosystem has to strike to help reduce sediment and improve Great Barrier Reef health.

Tourists look at a reef from on board a boat

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the world’s iconic ecosystems, but how important is it to Australians? Very, new surveys reveal.

Dust storm in a rural Australian setting.

Today’s energy systems will not be sufficient in 2050, and remote Australian communities are likely to bear the brunt. Scenarios workshops held in Alice Springs are helping design energy solutions for the future.

Corals and ocean water on the Great Barrier Reef as seen from the air

New technology fitted into an aeroplane and flown over parts of the Great Barrier Reef will provide a more detailed survey of coral reef health than ever before and give a boost to global reef science.

close up of white leatherwood flower against green folage.

Tasmania's bushfires have hurt not only the state's forests, but also the honey industry that depends on access to the region's unique trees.

two scuba divers swim past a colourful coral wall on The Great Barrier reef

Ocean acidification will hurt some parts of the Great Barrier Reef more than others.