Posts by Andrea Wild

Discovering the lifespans of marine turtles
A new study using ground breaking science for environmental management has revealed the lifespans of five species of marine turtles.

A genetic robbery in Australia’s quailthrush
Our DNA studies of Australia's quailthrush have revealed many secrets hidden among these remarkable birds, including a genetic robbery.

Let’s talk about Glossy Black-Cockatoos, their food and fires
Kangaroo Island’s Glossy Black-Cockatoos are at risk due to the Australian bushfires. What are the issues?

Fast moving fires and the science of prediction
The arsenal of tools to predict and alert the community of advancing fires is the product of close to 70 years of dedicated bushfire science.

The flight of the aberrant oriole
The swampy savanna of New Guinea’s Trans-Fly is a frontier for evolutionary biologists studying the blurry lines between species.